Face Hair Reduction

Effortless Solutions for Smooth, Hair-Free Facial Skin


Laser Hair Removal Treatment

What is laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is an advanced procedure that uses concentrated beams of light (laser) to target and remove unwanted hair by damaging the hair follicles, inhibiting future hair growth.

Why choose laser hair reduction for face?

Laser hair removal offers long-lasting results, is relatively quick, precise, and causes minimal discomfort. It is gentler on the skin and is cost-effective in the long run.

How is it performed?

Hair follicles on exposure to a highly concentrated laser pulse experience heat, which damages the skin’s hair-producing follicles inhibiting or delaying future hair growth.

Who is it for?

Facial Laser Hair Reduction is mostly opted for by women with PCOS/PCOD. Anyone who regularly shaves their face or bleaches their hair because of excess growth would benefit the most from facial laser hair reduction.

3 Steps of Esthetica Aesthetic Process

 Most Advanced Hair & Skin Rejuvenation Centre in Greater Noida




contact information

+91 7317-40-50-60
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Esthetica Clinic

Facial Rejuvenation
Anti Ageing Wrinkle
Skin Treatments
Hair Treatments