
Removes the natural color marks on skin to create an even skin tone

skin depigmentation treatment

Depigmentation Treatment

What is depigmentation? 

Depigmentation refers to the process of lightening or removing pigmentation in the skin, often used to address conditions like hyperpigmentation, melasma, or for cosmetic purposes to achieve a more uniform skin tone.

Why to choose laser hair reduction for face?

Depigmentation treatment is often chosen to address skin conditions like hyperpigmentation, melasma, or uneven skin tone caused by factors such as sun damage, hormonal changes, or certain skin conditions. It’s selected to achieve a more uniform complexion, reduce the appearance of dark spots or patches, and enhance overall skin appearance and confidence.

How is it performed?

Certain chemical peels containing ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), or trichloroacetic acid (TCA) are used to exfoliate the skin, reduce pigmentation, and encourage new, even-toned skin growth.

Who is it for?

Those with dark spots, melasma, or uneven skin tone due to sun damage, hormonal changes, or skin conditions. People aiming to reduce the appearance of freckles, age spots, or other pigmentation irregularities.

3 Steps of Esthetica Aesthetic Process

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